it seemed like a bunch of random aircraft flying across the screen with apparently no storyline except for the fact that somthing sad was apparently happening, as i gathered from the incredibly repetitive music
it seemed like a bunch of random aircraft flying across the screen with apparently no storyline except for the fact that somthing sad was apparently happening, as i gathered from the incredibly repetitive music
that was cool
ok then
i can tell that you have put a lot of hard work into this one, but i just am not a big fan of movies with no plot other than 2 kids who seem to have super powers going around and making tons of money. and i really don't like that nasal voice that's singing the song.
just doesn't suit me
um...... ok
not as good as madness, but not many things are. has it's own distinct style, if you can call it that. seems like you kind of sped through the whole thing, not really caring if each scene matched the last. also seemed kinda choppy, even on low quality with a 512mb ram comp. not really the best ive seen, but kind of a mix between madness and bunnykill, with it's own little bits thrown in there, apparently at random.
what's with the magic anyway?
the whole reason the madness series is so popular is because of
a) the violence
b) the violence
c) the ocassional humor
d) violence
e) the fact that it was an almost normal guy (normal meaning NOT super or having "powers") who was beating all of these NOT "normal" guys.
u missed on 2 counts
1) "Shit" is only funny for a few times, after that it seems, well, SHITTY
2)having the protagonist get powers really ruins the whole plot of the movie, turning it into mass killing all because this guy woke up one morning and thought, "Hey! I think i'll don this mask, use my newfound NINJA SKILLS to kick the SHIT out of people until i get MAGIC because i touched a green glowing THINGY!"
try actually thinking of a plot next time!
ok, needs more blood
if you want a truly great movie, make a few blood splatters on the walls when the stormtroopers get cut in half, maybe a little bit of brain falling out, ya know. the gory stuff is what makes the good movie, great!
the music was great, who is it, and if you made it yourself, why not submit it to the audio portal. I had no clue what was going on and, especially with the comp. voice as an example, i think you should focus on other things.
Why isn't there an 11 for violence?
My life is now complete!!!
W00T! That was awsome
Who says weed is for loosers?
LOL, that was great!!!!
North Boone High School
Poplar Grove, IL
Joined on 3/6/05